Coffee Leaf Rust Publications
- Survey of potential fungal antagonists of coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) on Coffee arabica in Hawaii, USA - Luiz, B.C., L.S. Sugiyama, E. Brill, L.M. Keith
- Achievements and challenges in controlling coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) in Hawaii - Aristizabal, L.F.
- First report of the physiological Race XXIV of Hemileia vastatrix (coffee leaf rust) in Hawaii - Keith, L.M., T.K. Matsumoto, L.S. Sugiyama, M. Fukada, C. Nagai, A.P. Pereira, M.C. Silva, and V. Várzea
- Coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) from the recent invasion into Hawaii shares a genotypic relationship with Latin American Populations - Luis A. Ramírez-Camejo, Luis A., L.M. Keith, T. Matsumoto, L. Sugiyama, M. Fukada, M. Brann, A. Moffitt, J. Liu, and M.C. Aime
- Monitoring coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) on commercial farms in Hawaii: Early insights from the first year of disease incursion - Aristizabal, L.F. and M. Johnson
- Coffee leaf rust pest alert (pdf) - Baur M.E., A.M. Kawabata, S.T. Nakamoto, S. Shriner, S. Elliott
- First report of coffee leaf rust caused by Hemileia vastatrix on coffee (Coffea arabica) in Hawaii - L.M. Keith, L.S. Sugiyama, E. Brill, B.L. Adams, M. Fukada, K.M. Hoffman, J. Ocenar, A. Kawabata, A.T. Kong, J.M. McKemy, A. Olmedo-Velarde, and M.J. Melzer
- Pruning methods for the management of coffee leaf rust and coffee berry borer in Hawaii - Kawabata, A.M., S. Wages, and S.T. Nakamoto
- Risk assessment of ozone fumigation under vacuum to control potential infestation of coffee berry borer and coffee leaf rust in green coffee beans imported into Hawaii - Portilla, M., P.A. Follett, J.W. Armstrong, J.G. Leesch, J.S. Tebbets, J. Smilanick, T.H. McHugh, C.W. Olsen, L. Whitehand, C. Cavaletto, H.C.S. Bittenbender, A.E. Bustillo, and J.E. Peña
- Surveying, sampling, and monitoring of coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) for early disease control in Hawaii - Kawabata, A.M., S.T. Nakamoto, L. Keith, and D. Oishi
- Spraying to suppress coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) in Hawaii - Kawabata, A.M. and S.T. Nakamoto (updated and republished 6/18/21)
- Pambobomba Upang Sugpuin ang Kalawang ng Kape (Hemileia vastatrix) Dito sa Hawaii - (Tagalog) Kawabata, A.M.
- Panagpasuyot Tapnon Malappedan ti Lati ti Bulong ti Kape (Hemileia vastatrix) ditoy Hawaii - (Ilocano) Kawabata, A.M.
- Pulverización para suprimir la roya del café (Hemileia vastatrix) en Hawai - (Spanish) Kawabata, A.M. and R. Gutierrez-Coarite
- CLR sanitation protocol - USDA ARS DKI PBARC
CLR Management Recommendations from Other Countries
- Prevention and Control of Coffee Leaf Rust: Handbook of Best Practices for Extension Agents and Facilitators - (English) Virginio Filho and Astorga Domain
- Prevención y control de la roya del café: Manual de buenas prácticas para técnicos y facilitadores - (Spanish) Virginio Filho and Astorga Domain
- Current status and management of coffee leaf rust in Brazil - Zambolim, L.
- Sustainable Good Agriculture Practices Manual, To improve yields of organic coffee and control coffee rust (in Nicaragura, Central America) - Shriver, J. J. Largaespada and M.E. Gutierrez
- Sustainable mitigation techniques for coffee leaf rust in Loma Linda, Guatemala - Pelli, C., M. Cantos, K. Dinyeah, and M. Nguyen
About CLR (alpha by author)
- Arneson, P.A. (2011). “Coffee rust”. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-I-2000-0718-02.
- Bailey, J., M.C. Aime, M. Abbasi, and L.A. Castle. (2016). Grinding up the Coffee Rust Genus: Phylogenetics for the genus Hemileia. - Poster
- Ferreira, S.A. and R.A Boley. (1991). Hemileia vastatrix. University of Hawaii at Manoa Crop Knowledge Master.
- Kushalappa, A.C. and A.B. Eskes. (1989). Advances in coffee rust research. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 27(1):503-531.
- Kushalappa, A.C. and A.B. Eskes (eds). (1989). Coffee Rust: Epidemiology, Resistance and Management. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. 345 pp.
- Mackesy, D. and M. Sullivan. (2015). CPHST Pest Datasheet for Hemileia vastatrix. USDA-APHIS-PPQ-CPHST.
- Schieber, E. and G.A. Zentmyer. (1984). Coffee rust in the Western Hemisphere. Plant Disease, 68(2):89-93.
- Talhinhas, P., D. Batista, I. Diniz, A. Vieira, D.N. Silva, A. Loureiro, S. Tavares, A.P. Pereira, H.G. Azinheira, L. Guerra‐Guimarães, V. Várzea, and M.d.C. Silva. (2017). The coffee leaf rust pathogen Hemileia vastatrix: one and a half centuries around the tropics. Molecular Plant Pathology, 18: 1039-1051.
CLR Incidence and Severity Relationships (alpha by author)
- Avelino, J., and Savary, S. (2004). Effects of crop management patterns on coffee rust epidemics. Plant Pathology, 53, 541–547.
- Brown, J.S., J.H. Whan, M.K. Kenny, and P.R. Merriman. (1995). The effect of coffee leaf rust on foliation and yield of coffee in Papua New Guinea. Crop Protection, 14(7): 589-592.
- Koehler, J. 2018. Coffee rust threatens Latin American crop; 150 years ago, it wiped out an empire. NPR.
- Silva-Acuña, R., L.A. Maffia, L. Zambolim, and R.D. Berger. (1999). Incidence-Severity Relationships in the Pathosystem Coffea arabica-Hemileia vastatrix. Plant Disease, 83:2, 186-188.
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