Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp) and particularly the species C. gloeosporioides, is found in Hawaii on coffee. However, the species causing Coffee Berry Disease, C. kawahae, is not know to occur in Hawaii.
Anthracnose symptoms can develop on seedlings, flowers, fruit, leaves, nodal areas and branches. Low humidity and no rain conditions limit the development and spread of this disease. However, in circumstances where high humidity, fog or rain, and warm temperatures persist and where diseased leaves, twigs and fruit remain in the field, anthracnose spores can spread and become a problem. Spores spread in splashing water and can cause infection anytime from growth to fruit set to harvest. Temperatures |
of 75°F and above will accelerate anthracnose development, while temperatures below 59°F slows disease development.
Monitor for this disease and treat at early stages of development on berries and branches. Early symptoms may be leaf yellowing and drop of leaves that are found mid-branch, small "spots or lesions" on ripening berries, dark browning of lateral or vertical stem(s), vertical tip die-back, and premature berry death.
Approved fungicide applications and proper plant nutrition can help alleviate this disease problem. Rotate fungicides of different classes to reduce chances of pesticide resistance. Contact your local Extension Agent for more information.
Monitor for this disease and treat at early stages of development on berries and branches. Early symptoms may be leaf yellowing and drop of leaves that are found mid-branch, small "spots or lesions" on ripening berries, dark browning of lateral or vertical stem(s), vertical tip die-back, and premature berry death.
Approved fungicide applications and proper plant nutrition can help alleviate this disease problem. Rotate fungicides of different classes to reduce chances of pesticide resistance. Contact your local Extension Agent for more information.
Anthracnose on other crops:
Hawai‘i Landscape Plant Pest Guide: Plant Diseases:
Hawai‘i Landscape Plant Pest Guide: Plant Diseases:
Collecting Plant Disease and Insect Pest Samples for Problem Diagnosis
Learn how to best collect and submit disease, insect, mite and nematode samples to the UH Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center (ADSC) for diagnosis. Click here for ADSC analytical service fees.
Learn how to best collect and submit disease, insect, mite and nematode samples to the UH Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center (ADSC) for diagnosis. Click here for ADSC analytical service fees.
Coffee Leaf and Soil Sampling
Learn how to correctly sample and submit coffee leaf and soil samples for proper analysis of plant nutritional status and soil pH and nutrient status.
Learn how to correctly sample and submit coffee leaf and soil samples for proper analysis of plant nutritional status and soil pH and nutrient status.
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